Winter morning

Shadows of the winter landscape with imitation of frost. Sparkling Stella increases the impression of tenderness and grace in this coating.

Создается с помощью

Текстура в интерьере

Стильно смотриться в любом помещении — детская комната или кухня, гостиная или холл.


Decorative finish STELLA "ELEMENT DECOR"

Decorative finish STELLA is an innovative pearly finish featuring high wear resistance. The material contains glass beads and pearly particles making the light refract on the walls and shimmer with multicolour reflections, giving the interior a unique look of luxury and elegance. The finish is extremely wear- and scratch-resistant; it is perfectly suited for use in public spaces and private apartments. The material can be applied on existing plaster coating to add an exquisite shimmering effect

  • 1 kg
    1229 грн
  • 3 kg
    3169 грн
  • 5 kg
    4438 грн

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