Desert storm

When you look at this texture, you feel like you are watching a desert where sand particles form unique patterns. The flickering effect, like sunlight on the sand, creates a beautiful and noble look.

Создается с помощью

Текстура в интерьере

Стильно смотриться в любом помещении — детская комната или кухня, гостиная или холл.


Decorative finish ENIGMA "ELEMENT DECOR"

Decorative finish ENIGMA contains pearly microparticles and marble dust to add radiance and mysterious shimmering to your interior. Its combination of fine marble particles and pearly base creates a ceremonial and noble look. The delicate soft -to-touch finish makes the interior warm and cosy, and, with its state-of-the-art technology, the material is suitable practically for any type.

  • 1 kg
    1229 грн
  • 3 kg
    2798 грн
  • 5 kg
    3979 грн
  • 10 кг
    7960 грн

Другие текстуры

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