
Absorbing and reflecting the spirit of the times, classical interiors are always relevant. Stella template-based application on the Velluto substrate in such an interior looks very exquisite, emphasizing the flawless lines and interior individuality.

Создается с помощью

Текстура в интерьере

Стильно смотриться в любом помещении — детская комната или кухня, гостиная или холл.


Decorative finish VELLUTO "ELEMENT DECOR"

Decorative finish VELLUTO will suit the followers of exquisite style very well. Its unique velvet-like surface texture with peculiar metallic and pearly effects adds special charm to an interior. The delicate soft -to-touch velvet finish creates an atmosphere of warmth and cosiness. Due to metal-coated particles contained in the finish, light is constantly refracted on its surface changing the interior in a unique way.

  • 1 kg
    1265 грн
  • 3 kg
    3315 грн
  • 5 kg
    5049 грн
  • 10 кг
    9109 грн

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